The Americas Computer Chess League Rules

Under Construction


Open to authors, researchers, operators and aficionados of computer chess, computer chess algorithms and game theory. Members must be a citizen or resident of one of the countries comprising the Americas (Greenland, Canada, USA, Central America, South America and including Antarctica).

General Tournament Rules

These are rules that generally apply to all our matches. However, each event may have some special extra rules.

  1. All tournaments will be displayed live over the Internet.
  2. Several of the tournaments will have the participants in one physical location, but still be run over the Internet.
  3. Standard rules of chess apply: Three fold repetition, 50 move rule .....
  4. Only the program author or an approved operator may enter.
  5. Changing/modifying versions between rounds is allowed.
  6. All programs must be authored by a citizen or current resident(non-citizen) of the Americas.
  7. Programs must be logged in 5 minutes before each rounds start time.
  8. Programs must run in an automated fashion. You can start them but they must run by themselves and make all decisions themselves (including resign/draw).
  9. Programs must kibitz their PV and a message (if possible) that the move is a book move. If possible, kibitz only on your turn not during pondering. You may kibitz a few plies before the final ply, but keep it to a minimum as too many will block all that chatter amongst the participants which most of us want to participate in.
  10. Participants are allowed 2 disconnects due to accidents. On the third disconnect the match is forfeit. A 5 minute allowance is granted for each disconnect. The third disconnect must be reported to the TD and the TD will make the ruling.
  11. Programs must be able to resume a match after a disconnect. This is part of the Winboard protocol so it should be already handled.
  12. Initial seedings will be based on ICC (standard time), RWBC and WBEC ratings.
  13. In the event of a odd number of entrants, an alternate program may be entered to avoid byes.
  14. In the event of a dispute, the TD decision is final and the spirit of this tournament will be considered in all disputes.
  15. Each program must be the work of the author. Entrants may not copy the work of others.
    • (A) The exception to this is any work that uses the alpha version of Prophet as its base, but it may not use other code from other sources.
    • (B) Clone accusations will be handled privately so as not to unduly harm reputations.
    • (C) The entrant accused of cloning is considered innocent until proven guilty.
    • (D) The reuse of concepts/ideas is allowed. The reuse of code/parameters/frameworks is not allowed.
    • (E) If an entrant is accused of cloning, the accusation and data will be reviewed first.
    • (F) The entrant accused of cloning may be required to submit compilable source code, log files from matches played thus far and the executable being run in the tournament for review.
      • If multiple versions have been used the executables and possibly source for each version may be required.
    • (G) The accused entrant will be able to defend his/her work.
    • (H) If the accused entrant is found to be a clone, it will be dropped from this tournament.
    • (I) The TDs and a knowledgeable review committee will be created to review the case.
  16. If an entrant makes several unsubstantiated claims of others being clones, that entrant will be dropped from this tournament.