The 2008 Third Annual ACCA Americas' Computer Chess Championships

Home Registration Participants Day 1 Results Final Results

Results of Day 1

Automato shows the standings for round 4 (of 6)
   4.0 Rybka
   3.0 NaumXMP crafty
   2.5 ChessThinkerX LearningLemming Swaminathan ArasanX
   2.0 DeltomateX Amateur Buzz ProphetX
   1.5 Tinker Telepath Symbolic zct
   1.0 NoonianChess apocalypse1112
   0.0 SlowBo

 icctd version: 8.659 (Compiled Oct 27 2008 12:13:25)
 #  919   2008 Third Annual ACCA Americas' Computer Chess Championships Swiss Standard 45 10 unrated manager ozgur-bjk
 ******   18 players/5 round (of 6)
          Managed by ozgur-bjk.   (Sat Nov  8 08 10:37 - ongoing)
          System: main TD: Automato
          max_best:3000 last_sort:score scheduled: no
     Name                  R1    R2    R3    R4    R5    Score  #g
   1 Rybka          (2813) +w8   +b15  +w2   +b4    w3     4.0   4
   2 NaumXMP        (2765) +b11  +w7   -b1   +w5    b4     3.0   4
   3 crafty         (2486) +w14  -b4   +w6   +b8    b1     3.0   4
   4 ChessThinkerX  (2923) +b9   +w3   =b5   -w1    w2     2.5   4
   5 LearningLemming(2646) +w12  +b10  =w4   -b2    w6     2.5   4
   6 Swaminathan    (2600) =b13  +w9   -b3   +w10   b5     2.5   4
   7 ArasanX        (2471) +w16  -b2   =w12  +b13   w8     2.5   4
   8 DeltomateX     (2444) -b1   +w18  +b13  -w3    b7     2.0   4
   9 Amateur        (2457) -w4   -b6   +w15  +b12   w11    2.0   4
  10 Buzz           (2300) +w17  -w5   +b14  -b6    w12    2.0   4
  11 ProphetX       (2441) -w2   -b12  +w17  +b16   b9     2.0   4
  12 Tinker         (2362) -b5   +w11  =b7   -w9    b10    1.5   4
  13 Telepath       (2351) =w6   +b17  -w8   -w7    b14    1.5   4
  14 Symbolic       (2348) -b3   +w16  -w10  =b15   w13    1.5   4
  15 zct            (2270) bye   -w1   -b9   =w14   b18    1.5   4
  16 NoonianChess   (2281) -b7   -b14  +w18  -w11   w17    1.0   4
  17 apocalypse1112 (2479) -b10  -w13  -b11  +w18   b16    1.0   4
  18 SlowBo         (1831)       -b8   -b16  -b17   w15    0.0   3