The 2012 Sixth Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships

Home Registration Participants Pretournament Ranking Rounds Results

Round Information:

Round 1

  White                        Black
 Tornado-C       2478 ArasanX         2521 1-0
 dshawul         1978 Tinker          2346 0-1
 thebaron        2590 Goldbar         2511 1-0
 JabbaChess      2000 Telepath        2376 0-1
 Somnus          2883 NightmareX      2667 1/2-1/2
 parrotC         2000 Sjeng           2929 0-1

Round 2

  White                        Black
 Tinker          2346 ArasanX         2521 1/2
 thebaron        2590 Tornado-C       2478 1-0
 Telepath        2376 dshawul         1978 1-0
 Goldbar         2511 Somnus          2883 1/2
 Sjeng           2929 JabbaChess      2000 1-0
 NightmareX      2667 parrotC         2000 1-0

Round 3

  White                        Black
 ArasanX         2521 thebaron        2590 0-1
 Tinker          2346 Telepath        2376 1/2
 Tornado-C       2478 Somnus          2883 1-0
 dshawul         1978 Sjeng           2929 0-1
 parrotC         2000 Goldbar         2511 1/2
 JabbaChess      2000 NightmareX      2667 0-1

Round 4

  White                        Black
 Telepath        2376 ArasanX         2521 0-1
 Somnus          2883 thebaron        2590 0-1
 Sjeng           2929 Tinker          2346 1-0
 parrotC         2000 Tornado-C       2478 0-1
 NightmareX      2667 dshawul         1978 1-0
 Goldbar         2511 JabbaChess      2000 1-0

Round 5

  White                        Black
 ArasanX         2521 Somnus          2883 1-0
 Telepath        2376 Sjeng           2929 0-1
 thebaron        2590 parrotC         2000 1-0
 Tinker          2346 NightmareX      2667 0-1
 Tornado-C       2478 JabbaChess      2000 1-0
 dshawul         1978 Goldbar         2511 0-1

Round 6

  White                        Black
 Sjeng           2929 ArasanX         2521 1-0 
 Somnus          2883 parrotC         2000 1-0
 NightmareX      2667 Telepath        2376 1-0
 JabbaChess      2000 thebaron        2590 0-1
 Goldbar         2511 Tinker          2346 1-0
 dshawul         1978 Tornado-C       2478 0-1

Round 7

 icctd version: 8.740 (Compiled Apr 19 2012 08:38:47)
 # 1362   The 2012 Sixth Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Round Robin Standard 25 4 unrated manager Lisebeth
 ******   12 players/8 round (of 11)
          Managed by Lisebeth.   (Sat Jul 14 12  8:59 - ongoing)
          System: main TD: Automato
          max_best:3000 last_sort:score scheduled: no
     Name                   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 Score  #g
   1 thebaron       (2590)  xx       1  1  1  1     1  1  1  1   8.0   8
   2 Sjeng          (2929)     xx 1     1     1  1  1  1  1  1   8.0   8
   3 NightmareX     (2667)     0  xx       =  1  1  1  1  1  1   6.5   8
   4 Tornado-C      (2478)  0        xx    1  1  1  1  1  1  1   7.0   8
   5 Goldbar        (2511)  0  0        xx =     =  1  =  1  1   4.5   8
   6 Somnus         (2883)  0     =  0  =  xx 0        1  1  1   4.0   8
   7 ArasanX        (2521)  0  0  0  0     1  xx 1  =  1         3.5   8
   8 Telepath       (2376)     0  0  0  =     0  xx =     1  1   3.0   8
   9 Tinker         (2346)  0  0  0  0  0     =  =  xx    1      2.0   8
  10 parrotC        (2000)  0  0  0  0  =  0  0        xx        0.5   7
  11 dshawul        (1978)  0  0  0  0  0  0     0  0     xx     0.0   8
  12 JabbaChess     (2000)  0  0  0  0  0  0     0           xx  0.0   7

Round 8

  White                        Black
 ArasanX         2521 NightmareX      2667 0-1
 parrotC         2000 JabbaChess      2000 1/2
 Sjeng           2929 Goldbar         2511 1-0
 Somnus          2883 dshawul         1978 1-0
 Telepath        2376 Tornado-C       2478 0-1
 Tinker          2346 thebaron        2590 0-1
 icctd version: 8.740 (Compiled Apr 19 2012 08:38:47)
 # 1362   The 2012 Sixth Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Round Robin Standard 25 4 unrated manager billscotty
 ******   12 players/8 round (of 11)
          Managed by billscotty.   (Sat Jul 14 12  8:59 - ongoing)
          System: main TD: Automato
          max_best:3000 last_sort:score scheduled: no
     Name                   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 Score  #g
   1 thebaron       (2590)  xx    1     1  1  1     1  1  1  1   8.0   8
   2 Sjeng          (2929)     xx    1  1     1  1  1  1  1  1   8.0   8
   3 Tornado-C      (2478)  0     xx       1  1  1  1  1  1  1   7.0   8
   4 NightmareX     (2667)     0     xx    =  1  1  1  1  1  1   6.5   8
   5 Goldbar        (2511)  0  0        xx =     =  1  =  1  1   4.5   8
   6 Somnus         (2883)  0     0  =  =  xx 0        1  1  1   4.0   8
   7 ArasanX        (2521)  0  0  0  0     1  xx 1  =  1         3.5   8
   8 Telepath       (2376)     0  0  0  =     0  xx =     1  1   3.0   8
   9 Tinker         (2346)  0  0  0  0  0     =  =  xx       1   2.0   8
  10 parrotC        (2000)  0  0  0  0  =  0  0        xx =      1.0   8
  11 JabbaChess     (2000)  0  0  0  0  0  0     0     =  xx     0.5   8
  12 dshawul        (1978)  0  0  0  0  0  0     0  0        xx  0.0   8

Round 9

  White                        Black
 JabbaChess      2000 ArasanX         2521 1-0
 Goldbar         2511 NightmareX      2667 1/2
 dshawul         1978 parrotC         2000 0-i
 Tornado-C       2478 Sjeng           2929 1/2
 Tinker          2346 Somnus          2883 0-1
 thebaron        2590 Telepath        2376 1-0

Round 10

  White                        Black
 Goldbar         2511 ArasanX         2521 1/2
 dshawul         1978 JabbaChess      2000 1-0
 NightmareX      2667 Tornado-C       2478 1/2 
 parrotC         2000 Tinker          2346 0-1
 Sjeng           2929 thebaron        2590 1-0
 Somnus          2883 Telepath        2376 1/2

Round 11

  White                        Black
 ArasanX         2521 dshawul         1978 1-0
 Tornado-C       2478 Goldbar         2511 1/2
 Tinker          2346 JabbaChess      2000 1-0
 thebaron        2590 NightmareX      2667 1-0
 Telepath        2376 parrotC         2000 
 Somnus          2883 Sjeng           2929 0-1
> 10.5 Sjeng > 10.0 thebaron > 8.5 Tornado-C > 7.5 NightmareX > 6.0 Goldbar ArasanX > 5.5 Somnus > 4.0 Tinker > 3.5 Telepath > 2.0 parrotC > 1.0 dshawul > 0.5 JabbaChess > icctd version: 8.740 (Compiled Apr 19 2012 08:38:47) > # 1362 The 2012 Sixth Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Round Robin Standard 25 4 unrated manager billscotty > ****** 12 players/11 round (of 11) > Managed by billscotty. (Sat Jul 14 12 8:59 - ongoing) > System: main TD: Automato > max_bye_points:1000 > max_best:3000 last_sort:score scheduled: no > Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Score #g > 1 Sjeng (2929) xx 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10.5 11 > 2 thebaron (2590) 0 xx 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10.0 11 > 3 Tornado-C (2478) = 0 xx = = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8.5 11 > 4 NightmareX (2667) 0 0 = xx = 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 7.5 11 > 5 Goldbar (2511) 0 0 = = xx = = 1 = = 1 1 6.0 11 > 6 ArasanX (2521) 0 0 0 0 = xx 1 = 1 1 1 1 6.0 11 aics% > 7 Somnus (2883) 0 0 0 = = 0 xx 1 = 1 1 1 5.5 11 > 8 Tinker (2346) 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 xx = 1 1 1 4.0 11 > 9 Telepath (2376) 0 0 0 0 = 0 = = xx 1 1 3.5 10 > 10 parrotC (2000) 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 xx i = 2.0 9 > 11 dshawul (1978) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o xx 1 1.0 10 > 12 JabbaChess (2000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 xx 0.5 11 > 10.5 Sjeng > 10.0 thebaron > 8.5 Tornado-C > 7.5 NightmareX > 6.0 Goldbar ArasanX > 5.5 Somnus > 4.0 Tinker Telepath > 2.5 parrotC > 1.0 dshawul > 0.5 JabbaChess