The 2017 Eleventh Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships

Home Registration Participants Pretournament Ranking Rounds Results

Round Information:

Round 1

Automato round 1 (of 13)
  White                        Black
 .zurichess       2188 .ArasanX         2398 0-1
 .BertaX          2305 .WaspX           2730 1-0
 ^Tinker          2285 ^ChironX         2784 1/2
 .DeltomateX      2429 .TheBaron        2606 0-1
 .Telepath        2285 .gogobello       2351 0-1
 .Goldbar         2515 ?RaptorX         2500 i-o
 .NightmareX      2712 .Komodo          3192 0-1

Round 2

Automato round 2 (of 13)
  White                        Black
 .ArasanX         2398 .WaspX           2730 1/2
 .zurichess       2188 .Tinker          2285 1-0
 .TheBaron        2606 .BertaX          2305 1-0
  ChironX         2784 .Telepath        2285 1-0
 ?RaptorX         2500 .DeltomateX      2429 o-i
 .gogobello       2351 .NightmareX      2712 0-1
 .Komodo          3192 .Goldbar         2515 1/2

Round 3

Automato round 3 (of 13)
  White                        Black
 .Tinker          2285 .ArasanX         2398 1/2
 .WaspX           2730 .TheBaron        2606 1-0
 ^Telepath        2285 ^zurichess       2188 0-1
 .BertaX          2305 #RaptorX         2500 i-o
 .NightmareX      2712 ?ChironX         2784 1/2
 .DeltomateX      2429 .Komodo          3192 0-1
 .Goldbar         2515 .gogobello       2351 1/2

Round 4

Automato round 4 (of 13)
  White                        Black
 .TheBaron        2606 .ArasanX         2398 1/2
 .Telepath        2285 .Tinker          2285 1/2
 .WaspX 2730 has bye in this round
 .NightmareX      2712 .zurichess       2188 1-0
 .Komodo          3192 .BertaX          2305 1-0
 ?ChironX         2784 .Goldbar         2515 1-0
 .gogobello       2351 .DeltomateX      2429 0-1

Round 5

Automato round 5 (of 13)
  White                        Black
 .ArasanX         2398 .Telepath        2285 1-0
 .TheBaron 2606 has bye in this round
 .Tinker          2285 .NightmareX      2712 1/2
 .WaspX           2730 .Komodo          3192 0-1
 ^zurichess       2188 ^Goldbar         2515 1/2
 .BertaX          2305 .gogobello       2351 i-o
 .DeltomateX      2429 .ChironX         2784 1/2

Round 6

Automato round 6 (of 13)
  White                        Black
 .ArasanX 2398 has bye in this round
 .Telepath        2285 .NightmareX      2712 0-1
 .Komodo          3192 .TheBaron        2606 1-0
 .Goldbar         2515 .Tinker          2285 1/2
 .gogobello       2351 .WaspX           2730 0-1
 ^DeltomateX      2429 ^zurichess       2188 0-1
 ?ChironX         2784 .BertaX          2305 1-0

Round 7

Automato round 7 (of 13)
  White                        Black
 .ArasanX         2398 .NightmareX      2712 1/2
 .Komodo 3192 has bye in this round
 .Goldbar         2515 .Telepath        2285 1-0
 &TheBaron        2606 ?gogobello       2351 1-0
 .Tinker          2285 .DeltomateX      2429 0-1
 .WaspX           2730 ?ChironX         2784 0-1
 .zurichess       2188 .BertaX          2305 0-1

Round 8

Automato round 8 (of 13)
  White                        Black
 .ArasanX         2398 ?Komodo          3192 0-1
 ?NightmareX      2712 ?Goldbar         2515 1-0
 ?gogobello 2351 has bye in this round
 .Telepath        2285 ?DeltomateX      2429 0-1
 .ChironX         2784 .TheBaron        2606 1-0
 .BertaX          2305 .Tinker          2285 1-0
 .WaspX           2730 .zurichess       2188 1-0
Automato shows the standings for round 8 (of 13)
   7.5 Komodo
   6.5 ChironX
   5.5 NightmareX
   5.0 BertaX ArasanX
   4.5 TheBaron WaspX DeltomateX
   4.0 Goldbar
   3.5 zurichess
   2.5 Tinker gogobello
   0.5 Telepath
   0.0 RaptorX

> icctd version: 8.1176 (Compiled Apr 19 2017 01:26:30)
> # 2072   The 2017 Eleventh Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Round Robin Standard 25 4 unrated manager Lisebeth
> ******   14 players/8 round (of 13)
>          Managed by Lisebeth.   (Sat Jun 24 17  8:57 - ongoing)
>          System: main TD: Automato
>          max_bye_points:1000
>          max_best:3000 last_sort:score scheduled: no
>     Name                   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 Score  #g
>   1 Komodo         (3192)  xx    1  1  1  1  1  1  =                  7.5   7
>   2 ChironX        (2784)     xx =  1     1  1  =  1     =     1      6.5   8
>   3 NightmareX     (2712)  0  =  xx    =           1  1  =  1  1      5.5   8
>   4 BertaX         (2305)  0  0     xx    0  1        1  1  i     i   5.0   6
>   5 ArasanX        (2398)  0     =     xx =  =        1  =     1      5.0   7
>   6 TheBaron       (2606)  0  0     1  =  xx 0  1           i         4.5   6
>   7 WaspX          (2730)  0  0     0  =  1  xx       1     1         4.5   7
>   8 DeltomateX     (2429)  0  =           0     xx    0  1  1  1  i   4.5   7
>   9 Goldbar        (2515)  =  0  0                 xx =  =  =  1  i   4.0   7
>  10 zurichess      (2188)        0  0  0     0  1  =  xx 1     1      3.5   8
>  11 Tinker         (2285)     =  =  0  =        0  =  0  xx    =      2.5   8
>  12 gogobello      (2351)        0  o     o  0  0  =        xx 1      2.5   5
>  13 Telepath       (2285)     0  0     0        0  0  0  =  0  xx     0.5   8
>  14 RaptorX        (2500)           o           o  o              xx  0.0   0

Round 9

Automato round 9 (of 13)
  White                        Black
 ^Goldbar         2515 ^ArasanX         2398 1/2
 .Komodo          3192 ?gogobello       2351 1-0
 .DeltomateX      2429 .NightmareX      2712 0-1
 ?ChironX 2784 has bye in this round
 .BertaX          2305 .Telepath        2285 1-0
 .TheBaron        2606 .zurichess       2188 1/2
 .Tinker          2285 .WaspX           2730 0-1

Round 10

Automato round 10 (of 13)
  White                        Black
 .gogobello       2351 .ArasanX         2398 0-1
 .DeltomateX      2429 .Goldbar         2515 0-1
 ^ChironX         2784 ^Komodo          3192 0-1
 ^NightmareX      2712 ^BertaX          2305 1-0
 .zurichess 2188 has bye in this round
 .WaspX           2730 .Telepath        2285 1-0
 .TheBaron        2606 .Tinker          2285 1-0

Round 11

Automato round 11 (of 13)
  White                        Black
 .ArasanX         2398 .DeltomateX      2429 1-0
 .gogobello       2351 ?ChironX         2784 1/2
 .BertaX          2305 .Goldbar         2515 1-0
 .Komodo          3192 .zurichess       2188 1-0
 .NightmareX      2712 .WaspX           2730 1/2
 .Tinker 2285 has bye in this round
 .Telepath        2285 .TheBaron        2606 1/2

Round 12

Automato round 12 (of 13)
  White                        Black
 &ChironX         2784 ?ArasanX         2398 1/2
 .DeltomateX      2429 .BertaX          2305 0-1
 ^zurichess       2188 ^gogobello       2351 1/2
 .Goldbar         2515 .WaspX           2730 0-1
 .Tinker          2285 .Komodo          3192 0-1
 .TheBaron        2606 .NightmareX      2712 0-1
 .Telepath 2285 has bye in this round

Round 13

Automato round 13 (last round)
  White                        Black
 *ArasanX         2398 *BertaX          2305 1-0
 *zurichess       2188 *ChironX         2784 0-1
 *WaspX           2730 *DeltomateX      2429 1-0
 *gogobello       2351 *Tinker          2285 1-0
 *Goldbar         2515 *TheBaron        2606 1/2
 *Komodo          3192 *Telepath        2285 1-0
 *NightmareX 2712 has bye in this round