Round Information:
Round 1
Automato round 1 (of 11), Tourney is in progress
White Black
.WaspX 3102 .Amoeba 3035 1-0
.ArasanX 2303 .Telepath 2289 1-0
.SlowMoe 1524 .BertaX 2319 0-1
^DeusX 2800 ^NightmareX 2712 1-0
^MarvinX 2937 ^EichhoernchenX 1831 1-0
.Goldbar 2441 .Komodo 3415 0-1
Round 2
Automato round 2 (of 11), Tourney is in progress
White Black
.Telepath 2289 .Amoeba 3035 0-1
.SlowMoe 1524 .WaspX 3102 0-1
.NightmareX 2712 .ArasanX 2303 1/2
.BertaX 2319 .MarvinX 2937 1-0
^Komodo 3415 ^DeusX 2800 1/2
.EichhoernchenX 1831 .Goldbar 2441 1-0
Round 3
Automato round 3 (of 11), Tourney is in progress
White Black
.Amoeba 3035 .SlowMoe 1524 1-0
.Telepath 2289 .NightmareX 2712 0-1
.WaspX 3102 .MarvinX 2937 1/2
.ArasanX 2303 .Komodo 3415 1/2
.Goldbar 2441 .BertaX 2319 0-1
.DeusX 2800 .EichhoernchenX 1831 1-0
Round 4
Automato round 4 (of 11), Tourney is in progress
White Black
.Amoeba 3035 .NightmareX 2712 1/2
.MarvinX 2937 .SlowMoe 1524 1-0
.Komodo 3415 .Telepath 2289 1-0
.Goldbar 2441 .WaspX 3102 1/2
.EichhoernchenX 1831 .ArasanX 2303 0-1
.BertaX 2319 .DeusX 2800 0-1
Round 5
White Black
?MarvinX 2937 .Amoeba 3035 o-i
.NightmareX 2712 .Komodo 3415 1/2
.SlowMoe 1524 .Goldbar 2441 0-1
.Telepath 2289 .EichhoernchenX 1831 1-0
.DeusX 2800 .WaspX 3102 1-0
^ArasanX 2303 ^BertaX 2319 1-0
Round 6
Automato round 6 (of 11), Tourney is in progress
White Black
.Komodo 3415 .Amoeba 3035 1-0
.Goldbar 2441 ?MarvinX 2937 i-o
^NightmareX 2712 ^EichhoernchenX 1831 1/2
.SlowMoe 1524 .DeusX 2800 0-1
.BertaX 2319 .Telepath 2289 1-0
.WaspX 3102 .ArasanX 2303 1/2
Round 7
White Black
.Amoeba 3035 .Goldbar 2441 1/2
.EichhoernchenX 1831 .Komodo 3415 0-1
^DeusX 2800 ^MarvinX 2937 1-0
.NightmareX 2712 .BertaX 2319 1/2
.ArasanX 2303 .SlowMoe 1524 1-0
.Telepath 2289 .WaspX 3102 0-1
Round 8
Automato round 8 (of 11), Tourney is in progress
White Black
.Amoeba 3035 .EichhoernchenX 1831 1-0
.Goldbar 2441 .DeusX 2800 1/2
^Komodo 3415 ^BertaX 2319 1-0
.MarvinX 2937 .ArasanX 2303 1/2
?WaspX 3102 .NightmareX 2712 0-1
.SlowMoe 1524 ?Telepath 2289 0-1
Standings end first day
Automato shows the standings for round 8 (of 11)
7.0 DeusX
6.5 Komodo
6.0 ArasanX
5.0 Amoeba
4.5 NightmareX BertaX WaspX
3.5 Goldbar
3.0 MarvinX
2.0 Telepath
1.5 EichhoernchenX
0.0 SlowMoe
icctd version: 8.1223 (Compiled Nov 2 2019 10:42:19)
# 2364 The 2019 Thirteenth Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championship Round Robin Standard 25 4 unrated manager Lisebeth
****** 12 players/8 round (of 11)
Managed by Lisebeth. (Sat Dec 7 19 8:46 - ongoing)
System: main TD: Automato
max_best:3000 last_sort:score scheduled: no
Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Score #g
1 DeusX (2800) xx = 1 1 1 = 1 1 1 7.0 8
2 Komodo (3415) = xx = 1 = 1 1 1 1 6.5 8
3 ArasanX (2303) = xx = 1 = = 1 1 1 6.0 8
4 Amoeba (3035) 0 xx = 0 = i 1 1 1 5.0 7
5 NightmareX (2712) 0 = = = xx = 1 1 = 4.5 8
6 BertaX (2319) 0 0 0 = xx 1 1 1 1 4.5 8
7 WaspX (3102) 0 = 1 0 xx = = 1 1 4.5 8
8 Goldbar (2441) = 0 = 0 = xx i 0 1 3.5 7
9 MarvinX (2937) 0 = o 0 = o xx 1 1 3.0 6
10 Telepath (2289) 0 0 0 0 0 0 xx 1 1 2.0 8
11 EichhoernchenX (1831) 0 0 0 0 = 1 0 0 xx 1.5 8
12 SlowMoe (1524) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 xx 0.0 8
Round 9
Automato round 9 (of 11), Tourney is in progress
White Black
.DeusX 2800 .Amoeba 3035 1-0
.EichhoernchenX 1831 .BertaX 2319 0-1
.ArasanX 2303 .Goldbar 2441 1-0
^WaspX 3102 ^Komodo 3415 0-1
.Telepath 2289 .MarvinX 2937 0-1
.NightmareX 2712 .SlowMoe 1524 1-0
Round 10
Automato round 10 (of 11), Tourney is in progress
White Black
.BertaX 2319 .Amoeba 3035 1-0
.ArasanX 2303 .DeusX 2800 1/2
.EichhoernchenX 1831 .WaspX 3102 1/2
.Telepath 2289 .Goldbar 2441 0-1
.Komodo 3415 .SlowMoe 1524 1-0
.MarvinX 2937 .NightmareX 2712 0-1
Round 11
Automato round 11 (last round), Tourney is in progress
White Black
*Amoeba 3035 *ArasanX 2303 1/2
*BertaX 2319 *WaspX 3102 1/2
^DeusX 2800 ^Telepath 2289 1-0
*SlowMoe 1524 *EichhoernchenX 1831 0-1
*NightmareX 2712 *Goldbar 2441 1-0
*MarvinX 2937 *Komodo 3415 0-1